2018 WWDC


  • ARKit2

    • measure app

    • save and load map (share experience)

      • send/receive WorldMap with MultipeerConnectivity framework

    • environment texture (3D物件表面可反射環境光)

    • image tracking (圖片不用是靜態,可移動)

      • AR Resouces group

      • Max 25 images

      • Must fill out image size precisely

    • 3D Object detect

    • face tracking

    • shapblender (做臉部表情用)

  • AR Quick Look

    • New file format for distributing 3D models: USDZ (Base on Pixar's USD format)

    • We can use at File, News, email, iMessage, Safari, 備忘錄, Apps

    • usdz_converter

      • Input: .obj .usda .usdc

      • command line

        • xcrun usdz_converter RetroTV.obj RetroTV.usdz

  • Core ML 2

  • Photo

    • Built-in machine learning for

      • search

      • category

      • share and back suggestion

  • Siri shortcut

    • Suggestion can find in search, locking screeen and siri

    • Support all iOS devices including AppWatch and HomePod

    • Create Shortcuts

      • Three steps:

        • Define

        • Donate

        • Handle

    • Should use with key function, persist interesting

    • Two adoption strategy, choose either

      • NSUserActivity

      • Intents

        • Define

          • File->New File->SiriKit Intent Defintion File

        • Donate

          • 訓練siri用,siri會預測最佳的建議時間及項目

        • Handle

          • implement continueUserActivity

          • implement intents extensions to run shortcut in the background like siri, locking screen, search

    • INRelevantShortcut

      • Expose Shortcuts to the Siri Watch Face

    • Delete shortcut

  • Safari, iCloud Keychain

    • Password AutoFill

      • Capabilities -> Associated Domains

      • usernameTextField.textContentType = .username

      • passwordTextField.textContentType = .password

      • Note: usernameTextField and passwordTextField must be at the same viewController

    • Automatic Strong Passwords

      • newPasswordTextField.textContentType = .newPassword

    • Security Code AutoFill

      • securecode.textContentType = .oneTimeCode

    • Federated authentication

      • ASWebAuthenticationSession

    • Note: AutoFill must use system keyboard instead of custom keyboard

  • stock, news

  • notification group

  • disturb, limit, screentime

  • memoji

  • Group FaceTime


  • competition

  • more workout

  • siri watch face

  • notification interaction

  • walki talkie(對講機)


  • Dolby ATMOS

  • Zero sign on (Charter Spectrum)

  • Arial scene with astro space

  • Remote control by control center on iphone


  • Finder

    • preview by gallery view (new feature)

    • meta data on the right sidebar

    • quick action

      • It can customizable by automator

    • quick look integrate mackup

  • ScreenShots

    • Continuity Camera

      • take photo

      • scan document

  • App

    • News, Stocks

    • Voice memo

      • sync in iCloud

    • Home(IoT)

    • Move partial UIKit to macOS so some iOS Apps can exit at macOS

  • Safari

    • mojave and iOS12 both have protection as below

      • prevent cookie tracking

      • fingerrpinting

  • Redisgn App store

  • Metal

    • support extension GPUs

  • Create ML

    • ImageClassifier

      • input: image

      • output: label

    • TextClassifier

      • input: sentence

      • output: label

    • Tabular Data

      • 多項因子進行預測,如預測房價,因子為:房間數、衛浴數、坪數、價格<-Target

      • MLRegressor

      • input: csv or json

      • output: Target

    • Transfer Learning

      • This tech makes Xcode train model faster

      • We can train by playground, API or shell

Last updated