What's New in Testing

Code coverage

  • Performance and accurancy

  • Target selection

  • xccov

    • Command line tool

    • coverage report (include JSON)

  • Source editor

Test selection

  • Automatically include new tests

    • check: Test to skip

    • uncheck: Test to run (Explicit opt-in)

  • Test to run

    • Explicit opt-in tests

Test ordering

  • Randomize execution (by class)

Parallel Distributed Testing (Xcode 10 support)

  • Excute tests in parallel on a single destination (by class)

  • Unit Test

    • Multiple instances of app running unit tests

  • On Simulator

    • Multiple simulator clones running UI tests

Parallel Destination Testing (Xcode 9 support)

  • Ability to run all of your tests on multiple destinations simultaneously

  • only xcodebuild use (command line)

xcodebuild test
    -destination 'platform=iOS,name=iPhone X'
    -destination 'platform=iOS,name=iPad'

Last updated